Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sales contest!

Could you use an extra $250.00 for the holidays??
all of our product is 20% OFF.
for every one item you buy you get a ticket for the drawing..
the more you buy, the better your chances are of winning!!
Hurry in Sale ends SOON!

Drive In?

Dear Valued Customers,
I regret to inform you that we still are not able to provide a drive-in facial service.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sincerely, the Evans Crew!
drive through #4!

Halloween at EVANS!

It is a REQUIREMENT to dress up on Halloween.. we have a lot of fun with it.. some students LOVE it, some HATE it.
(click on collages to enlarge)
Justin and Mr. E were the "swine-flu" hense the pig nose!

Hair, Hair, Hair!

A couple more Hair Shows!

One of our barbers is an amazing artist.. he does all these designs free-handed and with a straight edge. Way to Go MIKE!!